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About Us

Our Mission

Rivus is a climate tech start-up on a mission to enable ultra low-cost and eco-friendly grid-scale energy storage. Led by a team of dedicated chemists, battery experts and entrepreneurs our aim is to fundamentally transform how energy is stored, supporting the global energy transition away from fossil fuels.

Rivus’ core technology is based on seven years of research conducted across Chalmers University of Technology, University of Turku and the Technical University of Denmark.

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Our Story

In 2016 Dr. Cedrik Wiberg decided to pursue a PhD to identify a greener battery alternative. Supported by academia, pivotal organic molecule testing led to the discovery of Rivus’ core technology and first patent filing in 2019.

Commercialization began in early 2023 as Dr. Wiberg left academia and Andreas Kölling joined as COO. Backed by three complementary shareholders – EIT InnoEnergy, xista science ventures, and NAVCAP – and a growing team, Rivus is focused on pilot testing during 2024-2025 and targets grid-scale deployment from 2026 and beyond.

Our Team


Dr. Cedrik Wiberg

CEO / Founder

“It is important to never stop caring”

Electrochemist, runner, and energy ball inventor turned entrepreneur. PhD in electrochemistry, developing flow battery chemistry since 2016.


Andreas Kölling

Chief Operating Officer

“Never give up”

Sustainability geek and explorer turned entrepreneur, Andreas holds an MBA and brings broad experience in management, sales, and strategy.


Dr. Lisa Åkerlund

Chief Technology Officer

“We strive to provide a solution aligned with the Paris agreement”

Battery expert, nature lover and mother of two, Lisa holds a PhD in chemistry and battery expertise from academia and industry.


Dr. Eduardo Maurina Morais

Research Scientist

“Curiosity, dedication and duct tape is often all it takes”

Avid climber that combines expertise in organic chemistry and materials science with a passion for tinkering in Rivus' lab. 

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Mikael Wiberg

Sr. Electronics Specialist

“The simplest solution is almost always the best”

Extensive experience in product development and quality assurance spanning electronics, EV-batteries, MedTech and MilTech.

Board of Directors

Lars Ulin-1

Lars Ulin


Owner and Managing Director at NAVCAP AB, investing in Swedish industry and startups to establish new business ideas.

Dr. Cedrik Wiberg, CEO

Dr. Cedrik Wiberg

Board member

Founder and CEO, holds a PhD in Electrochemistry from Chalmers University of Technology.

Alexander Schwartz

Dr. Alexander Schwartz

Board member

Partner at xista science ventures, chemist with extensive consulting experience, holding a PhD in Organic Chemistry.

Johan Söderbom

Johan Söderbom

Board member

Thematic Leader at EIT InnoEnergy for Energy Storage, with experience from utilities and research. MSc in Engineering Physics.

Niclas Davidsson - Cropped

Niclas Davidsson

Board Member

CEO of Meva Energy, 20 years in engineering and business development, secured Sweden's largest bioenergy investment. MSc in Industrial Engineering.


Henrik Sundén 2

Prof. Henrik Sundén

Technology advisor

Professor, Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg. Focused on organic chemistry.

Sara Hjortmar

Sara Hjortmar

Business advisor

Investment & Asset Manager at EIT InnoEnergy with a strong commercial background from several startups and scaleups.

johan hjelm

Prof. Johan Hjelm

Technology advisor

Professor, Head of section, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark.


Assoc. Prof. Pekka Peljo

Technology advisor

Associate Professor, Materials Engineering, University of Turku. Focused on energy storage and flow batteries.

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To deploy Rivus battery systems in your industry starting in 2025. Sign up now for a consultation with one of our team members
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Rivus batteries are constantly evolving, thanks in no small part to industry partners. We’d love to chat. Help us with our research, and we can get you a system at reduced cost
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